Legal notice

This site is published by DIAM CONCEPT, 55 avenue Marceau, 75116 Paris (France).

DIAM CONCEPT is a simplified joint-stock company (SAS). Alix Gicquel is President of DIAM CONCEPT.

SIRET : 82010272100017
CODE NAF or APE : 7219Z (Research and development in other physical and natural sciences)

Publication director : Alix Gicquel

WEBSITE HOSTING : OVH, SAS with a capital of 10 000 000 euros, registered in the RCS Lille Métropole under the number B 424 761 419, whose head office is 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France / APE: 721Z / VAT N °: FR 224 247 614 19000 11

PHOTO CREDITS: Marie-Hélène Le Ny / Infinités Plurielles